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Department of  Marketing & Communications

Prinzhorn Holding GmbH
Lemböckgasse 21-25
1230 Wien

Phone +43 (0) 50118 0


Dunapack Packaging

Donation to "Die Tafeln"

For third year in a row, Dunapack Packaging Vienna, Dunapack Packaging Strawa and Dunapack Packaging Spremberg are supporting "Die Tafeln", an…
Hamburger Containerboard, Gelsenkirchen

Sustainability in Action

Energy efficiency and climate protection network ChePap Rhine-Ruhr IV At Hamburger Containerboard Gelsenkirchen, we are proud to be part of the…
Dunapack Packaging

Fundraiser 2024

Christmas donation for the food banks - Together against poverty and food waste! This year, for the third year in a row, we have decided to support…
Dunapack Packaging

Energy metering- and monitoring system for Dunapack plants

Dunapack Packaging is proudly announcing a strong cooperation with Siemens to implement an energy metering- and monitoring system in 17 of our plants,…
Dunapack Packaging

Bronze Award in the Crescents and Stars Packaging Competition

Dunapack Packaging Denizli Plant was awarded the Bronze Award in the Crescents and Stars Packaging Competition with the cable box designed for…

New depot in Croatia

Hamburger Recycling Croatia is proud to have opened the second Croatian depot, first one in the capital of Croatia.
Dunapack Packaging

Collaboration with Apex International

Dunapack Packaging, in collaboration with Apex International, has successfully reduced CO2 emissions in corrugated post-printing through the use of…
Dunapack Packaging

Green Packaging Award

Dunapack Packaging Straßwalchen and Dunapack Packaging Vienna won the Green Packaging Award in the creative sector.  The Green Packaging Star Award…
Prinzhorn Group

HR Award 2024

Prinzhorn Group and it’s HR initiatives have been presented in the HR Awards 2024 gala on October 9, 2024, at the HOFBURG Vienna and we are proud to…